Our Programs

Collaborative Action on Childcare
CCGD recognizes women’s disproportionate contribution to unpaid care work, particularly childcare as a major drawback to the achievement of gender equality and women’s empowerment.

Gender Responsive Budgeting
CCGD has been at the forefront of promoting Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB) in Kenya to ensure that government budgets respond equitably the needs of girls, boys, men, and women. Over the years, CCGD has carried out capacity building on GRB

Women Peace and Security program
The Project aims at ending the double marginalization of women in peace and security processes in the counties of Mandera, Samburu, and Baringo, the project will endeavor to bring women
Collaborative Centre for Gender and Development
Collaborative Centre for Gender and Development is a Non-Governmental Organization that does policy advocacy for gender equality. The organization was founded in 1996 by a small group of academics, researchers, and development experts to build capacity in gender-responsive planning, advocacy, and programming. The organization has grown into staunch and dependable policy research and advocacy resource center with programs present at the county

Our Vision Mission
A society that guarantees equality, social justice and respect for the rights of women, men,girls and boys.
To collaboratively advocate for gender responsive transformation of society through policy and institutional reforms at international, regional, national and county levels.
Our Partners

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Jasiri Fund made me cancel my plans to travel to the Middle East
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SGBV survivors access services at Gender Based Violence Recovery Centres
Ms Beatrice Gitau, a Clinician at Msambweni County Referral Hospital in Kwale County, say ...
Countering Sextortion as a Gender-specific form of Corruption in Kenya
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Focus on Mitigating Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse as Counties Mark Day of the African Child
During the celebration of the 2023 Day of the African Child, the Busia County Government ...
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Increasing Informed Public Participation in Road Construction
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The Gender Impacts of Finance Bill/Act, 2023
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The East African CSO Summit 2023
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Jasiri Fund supports post-covid recovery
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