Gender Responsive Budgeting
CCGD hosts the Kenya Gender Budget Network (KGBN) which is an open membership of stakeholders engaged in gender-focused advocacy work to inform programming and budgeting. The network aims to ensure better coordination, voice, and coherence of the civil society and other actors in engaging government and advocating for and monitoring the adoption and practice of Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB). Better KGBN coordination should catalyze buy-in from key county and national government agencies, ministries, departments, and sectors to institutionalize GRB within the budgeting cycle and deliver gender-responsive budgets. KGBN aims to harness and synchronize the work of research institutions, academia, international and national partners interested in GRB as well as policy and grassroots Civil society Organizations (CSOs) at the national and county level for effective GRB advocacy.
Among others, GRB membership will be coordinated to generate evidence of the gendered impact of government policies and legislation, develop joint work plans, monitor policy implementation, evaluate the impact of government projects/policies and promote GRB knowledge and practice. To ensure effectiveness and sustainability, KGBN will strategically anchor its advocacy in government gender policy-making and implementation machinery such as the National Gender and Equality Commission (NGEC) and the State Department for Gender to promote GRB technical advocacy directed at budget offices in government sector boardrooms and more political public participation open budget forums. New institutions and individuals interested in advancing GRB in Kenya and beyond can express their interest by writing an email to Josiah Kiarie kgbn@ccgdcentre.org and copy ccgdinfo@gmail.org.