Economic Justice Advocacy for Small Scale Cross Border Traders in Kenya/Uganda and Kenya/Tanzania
Donor: Open Society Foundation (OSF)
Duration: January 2020- December 2021 (2years)
This project seeks to support Small Scale/Informal Cross Border Traders in Kenya/Uganda and Kenya/Tanzania to organize and enhance their capacity to negotiate and advocate for the full realization of their rights that include freedom to trade as provided for in the EAC treaty and protocols, the right to free movement across borders including for purposes of trade, the right to security and life free of harassment from state agents on both sides of the border and the right to access development resources to secure their livelihoods. The project is funded by the Open Society Foundation (OSF).
Goals and Objectives:
1) Support border traders to effectively participate in regional and national and county/local government initiatives that seek to improve their livelihoods
2) Support border traders to organize and advocate for the protection of their trade along the whole value chain.
3) Support informal cross border traders to exercise their right to trade legally
4) Ensure that there are reduced barriers to trade and that women have access to safe trade during the covid-19 Pandemic, through the Public-Private Dialogue initiatives and in line with the National Dialogue Committee strategic objectives.
- Conducted desk review of literature on Small scale cross-border traders before and during Covid-19 Established contact with National and County government, CSOs, Cross border management Units, truck drivers, cross-border traders, and other interest groups.
- Held Reconnaissance and rapid data collection visits to Busia, Namanga, Lungalunga, Isibania, and Loitoktok borders
- Supported the Kenya National Women Cross-border Association in Busia County to appeal their case of eviction from the Kasarani market in the Busia court
- Held a PPD forum with the County Government of Busia and the Kenya National Women Cross-border Association in Busia County to discuss amicable solutions on the Kasarani Market.
- Held a PPD forum with the County Government of Migori and the small scale cross border traders in Isebania border to build the capacity of the small scale traders on their rights to trade and discuss amicable recommendations to support the traders in their work
- Held entrepreneurship Training on mitigating the socioeconomic effects of COVID 19 and GBV with small-scale cross-border traders along the Busia Border in Busia County.
- Held a meeting with stakeholders in Isebania, Migori to discuss the challenges that the traders are facing and educate them on safe spaces.
- Held a capacity building/training workshop for the small-scale cross-border traders in Namanga Border on trade protocols, safe trade during covid-19, and on Gender issues affecting trade. Presented on the outcomes of the scoping study conducted on the implications of covid-19 on small scale cross-border trade and food security during the EACSOF Regional CSO conference
- Enhanced capacity of small-scale Informal cross-border traders on Kenya-Uganda and Kenya-Tanzania borders to organize and advocate for the protection of their trade along the whole value chain, and enhanced accountability of National and County/Local governments to EAC trade protocols.
- Advocacy strategies to address identified thematic trade facilitation issues developed, implemented, and recommendations adopted; Formal and Informal PPD Forums regularly held to resolve trade and trade facilitation issues
- Enhanced capacity of small-scale cross-border traders to effectively participate in county/local government initiatives that seek to improve their livelihoods and to exercise their right to benefit from the EAC integration process by utilizing the provisions of the EAC Simplified Trade Regime and to exercise their right to trade legally.
- Strengthened institutional and technical capacity of PSOs and CSOs to effectively advocate for the resolution of trade and trade facilitation challenges/barriers.