Reducing the disproportionate burden of unpaid care work on women through Collaborative Action on Child Care
CCGD recognizes women’s disproportionate contribution to unpaid care work, particularly childcare as a major drawback to the achievement of gender equality and women’s empowerment. Early childcare is an intense 24-hour activity that reduces the mobility of mothers, making it difficult for them to engage in their daily income generation and social welfare activities to improve their wellbeing. The child care program aims to collaboratively work with stakeholders in the sector to avail facilities for pre-primary 0-4 childcare.
The objective of the program
- To enable mothers to access quality affordable childcare facilities for pre-primary children
- To provide mothers with liberty to engage in income generation activities including trade, entrepreneurship and employment
Resource and Program Partners
- Mastercard Foundation
- University of Nairobi Women Economic Empowerment Hub
- Uthabiti Africa
- Cross Border Women Association
- Ministry of East African Community and Regional Development
- County Governments (Busia, Kajiado and Kwale)
- Conduct research to inform operationalization of the childcare program.
- Work collaboratively with government, CSO and private sector stakeholders to support setting up of pilot childcare centers
- Support collaborative review of legal and policy childcare framework at national and county government levels.
- Body of research and context specific data on the status of childcare in Kenya enhanced
- Pilot childcare centres set up and running in Busia, Kajiado and Kwale counties
- Effective policy framework for childcare put in place
- Changed attitudes towards prevention, protection, peace-building, and conflict management at the county, sub-county, and community levels.