[Courtesy CWTOO]
Pokot, Turkana and Marakwet (POTUMA) women leaders as well as those from Baringo have vowed to meet the bandits and plead with them to down their weapons and end the bloodbath constantly witnessed in Kerio Valley.
Speaking at the forum in Eldoret, Chief Administrative Secretary (CAS) for Gender Hon. Jebii Kilimo said that the killings are unfortunate because the four warring communities intermarry and thus they are relatives.
She noted that during peace meetings, only the elders and leaders attend the meetings while the youth who are at the forefront of the banditry and wars bedeviling the four communities are absent. She called for the youth to be involved in such peace meetings since they are the right targets for the peace messages.
She observed that majority of women are widowed with children due to violent conflict resulting in the deaths of young men. She feared that the generation might be wiped out.
The women agreed to jointly strategize for common priorities to enhance women’s roles and networks in peacebuilding in their respective areas of residence. Some of the activities and events suggested included; inter-communal dialogue, prayers, community peace dividend programs, intercommunal market days, and response to early warning signs.
Also present was Tecla Namashanja from Coalition for peace in Africa (COPA), Australian High Commissioner, Mr. Williams Lukes, Elgeyo Marakwet Governor, Alex Tolgos, Turkana County CEC Gender, Youth, Tourism, Minerals, Climate change, Environment and Culture Special Deputy County Commissioner (coordination the Kerio valley corridor- West Pokot, Baringo and Marakwet Boundaries), Tiaty West Sub- County Administrator among others.
CCGD is contributing to supporting the counties of Baringo, Mandera and Samburu to implement localized county action plans on women peace and security as envisioned in the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 (UNSCR 1325) and Kenya National Action Plan (KNAP II)